Best Night Out!

December 5, 2009 at 2:00 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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I had a lot of fantastic nights out this year! There was my first night out with my new boyfriend, my first local Tweetup at Al’s Bar that serves awesome sweet potato fries, the ladies Tweetup in my area where I met ladies whose tweets I follow on a daily basis and who I felt like I already knew. There was a night out at Buster’s with fantastic fried portobello mushrooms, Brie wontons and fried pickles! Every Monday night is a spectacular night with my lovely, caring, fascinating knitting ladies. But my best goes to my birthday night.

We went to a local Italian restaurant that is a regular outing for special events in my family. Their food is great, and they have quite a few meatless options on the menu, a necessity for my mostly vegetarian family. My mom had gotten a couple of small presents for me–a couple of DVDs and a book I’d been wanting for a while. The presents don’t matter, though. I care most about spending the time with my awesome, off-beat family.

My mom brought a tiara she had bought for a Halloween last year and I got to wear it during dinner. I’m sure the wait staff and other people in the restaurant wondered why I was wearing it, but I think it’s more fun that way! We didn’t say anything to the waiter when we ordered that it was my birthday, but then when he asked about desert at the end of the meal, someone told him. I asked that there be no singing(and there wasn’t!), and they brought me a piece of cheesecake, yum! The dinner conversation was great, and at some point during the conversation, I decided I wanted to go to Wal-Mart. I didn’t really want to buy anything, I just wanted to wander around for a little while. Window shop, if you will.

My parents are not fans of the Wal-Mart. I’m not really either, but it’s cheap and generally entertainging! We dropped them off at home and I went on to Wal-Mart with my brother and my cousin. I wore my tiara, and when I got home, I realized that I might show up on the People of Wal-Mart site. That made my night! People kept looking at me like I had two heads or a mental illness. It was a lot of fun.

Best Restaurant Moment

December 2, 2009 at 9:21 pm | Posted in challenge, Essays | 2 Comments
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I’m participating in the Best of 2009 Blog Challenge hosted by Gwen Bell this month. This is my first entry for that challenge.

He picks me up for our first date and my hands shake, I’m so nervous. He leans over and hands me a boquet of sunflowers. It’s the first time I’ve ever had a date bring me flowers. They are perfect. I run back up my stairs to thrust the flowers at my brother and ask him to find a vase for them.

I get in the car and look sideways at him.

“I’m really nervous,” he says.

“Me, too,” I agree. “Tell me when you’re not nervous any more, okay?”

He consents. We talk about our day, things we’ve already talked about in emails or on the phone on the way to the restaurant. I watch him, getting used to his face. He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, like he’s afraid that I will catch him looking at me.

I’ve chosen our destination, a favorite burger place of mine that serves vegetarian burgers. He holds the door for me and waits for me to follow the waitress to our table first. He’s never been to this restaurant, and looking at our menus spurs a discussion about our food preferences that lasts so long we have to ask the waitress to give us a few more minutes more than once.

By the time the food arrived, we were both much more relaxed. I know what I ate only because I always get the same thing. I don’t remember what he ate or what we talked about at all. I don’t remember any distinct moment, but all the moments that evening band together to make my “best.” Three months later, I am still as crazy about him as I was on our first date, and I hope we have many more evenings out to remember.

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